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Students and local clergy occupy the UIUC administration building.

UAW authorizes 3-day TA strike on Berkeley campus.

300 students occupy the mall at OSU to raise wages for CWA workers

The NLRB decides in favor of GSOC-UAW.

Barbara Bowen's New Caucus scores massive victory.

Lecturers at EMU vote to unionize.

Aronowitz and Nelson, CNN coverage at GWU, with a report on the coalition by Sharon Hanscom

An Open Meeting To Discuss the Future of Workplace will be held at the MLG Summer Institute, June 10-17, 2000. All are welcome. 

Casting Call:
For the First Annual Workplace Holiday Theatricals at the Modern Language Association Annual Meeting, December 27-30, 2000. 


The Coalition of Graduate Employee Unions

Progressive Information Network

Association of American University Professors (AAUP)

United Auto Workers (UAW)

American Federation of Teachers (AFT)

Communications Workers of America (CWA)

Marxist Literary Group--Mediations

Radical Teacher

Cultural Logic

Teachers for a Democratic Culture

Scholars, Artists and Writers for Social Justice (SAWSJ)

Graduate Student Caucus (GSC-MLA)

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"The other thing that makes labor a compelling field for student activists is that it is multi-racial and multi-gendered; it’s an area where white students can connect to people of color in their places of work, and also where students of different races can work together." --Barbara Bowen, speaking with Ann Wallace
a tribute to Barbara Bowen

"Academics do have an obligation to imagine better vistas for the university. We should see ourselves as part of the social fabric, serving a public need. It's a two-way street, which sometimes gets lost in the realm of professional affect, which casts us as brainy individuals doing unique research projects, rather than as participants in public life." --Jeffrey Williams, speaking with F. L. Carr 
a tribute to Jeff Williams by Bruce Robbins

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"What do these campaigns have in common? All four are being waged by an alliance of workers, union organizers, and academics willing to combine their skills, both to organize resistance to exploitative labor practices and to effectively publicize these practices."--Jamie Owen Daniel

After the Washington Consensus: An Introduction
Christian Gregory, section editor

Last Tuesday in Seattle
Rich Daniels

The World Trade Organization: A Flawed Conception
Kenneth Surin

Seattle and Beyond
Doug Henwood

Making Better Connections:
Some Thoughts on Rhetoric and Solidarity 
Jamie Owen Daniel

These young people... are being starved and bullied. The university is refusing to negotiate with these bright, ambitious young people -- the future leaders of our society --and is threatening to fire them unless they cave in before February 1. Many fear this is just a prelude to some new form of thuggish, exploitative wage-slavery. Yours in shock, horror and dismay, Margaret Atwood

Organizing Canada
Daniel Kim, section editor

The Arc of an Action: Email about the Toronto TA Strike
Leo Parascondola

By Way of Introduction: Some Thoughts on Difference
 Douglas Ivison

ACCESS 2000: an interview with Joel Harden and Steven Kammerer
Ellie Kennedy

A Chronology of the University of Toronto T.A. Strike
Daniel Kim

Organizing Against a Large and Powerful Employer
Mikael Antony Swayze

Good Cop? An Update from the Task Force on Graduate Funding
David Goutor

Lessons of a Job Action: A Strike Coordinator's View
Chantal Sundaram

T.A.s Walk The Line: Two Perspectives
Aparna Sundar and Kyoko Sato

Looking Back at TRACC (Queen's U.)
Sarah Riegel

Roller-coaster Ride: Bargaining at McMaster 99-00
June M. Madeley

Tea with Mrs. Mussolini
Elizabeth Skakoon


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